Monday, July 29, 2013


 I suppose you are wondering how to start off your first art class especially to students whose first language might not be the same as yours? The key to this is to make the student feel as comfortable as possible , speak slowly and clearly, do not use fancy words or jargon they might not understand,hand gestures and motions help a  lot and of course use plenty of visual stimuli such as pictures /copies of artworks to help the students. Keep in mind first lessons are never perfect and it'll take time for your students to cultivate a relationship with you.I found that showing students samples of artwork or showing students step by step what to do helps  a lot. Students will be able to pick up on the visual cues even though they might not understand what you are saying.Remember to let the students create their own work and remind them that it's important not to copy teacher's sample exactly as is. After all this is art class!

Things you'll need for each class:
  • A smile and positive attitude ( I know this is not always a possibility)
  • A camera or simply  your phone camera( don't use your nice expensive Nikon or Cannon)
  • an apron -paint seems to know when you are wearing nice clothes
  • A file /folder to document your lessons so that you can revise or re use them again
You could also start a blog or create a page on any of the social networks. Post photographs of your students in class and invite parents to have a look. I found this to be an invaluable tool because it gives parents a chance to see what their child creates in class and you can show photographs of students' artworks as examples to your new students.

 To give you an idea take a look at my Facebook page if you have not already.

Art Demo Day May 2012

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