Tuesday, July 30, 2013

First Project line: straight lines/horizontal lines/vertical lines

Lesson 1 -straight lines ( this  project can be continued throughout the line module)
Time:60  minutes
age: 5+ years
Aim: Students will learn about line and the different types as well as create a continuous project.

What you will need:

  • PVC tape in many different colours( This tape is easy to use and easy to remove)
  • scissors (safety scissors) or a tape dispenser
  • A room or space  where students  can tape their lines
  • music
  • camera
PVC tape


Tape dispenser

 To start off this lesson ,show artworks from  Hundertwasser and  various other artworks that contain line. Discuss the different types of line- horizontal, vertical, wavy , spiral etc.For ESL learners it's important to focus on  the vocabulary words and showing them artworks. You can of course role play  -show different examples of lines to students and ask them to name it or you can ask them to find different types of line you name from different pictures. You can variate this by asking  students to find different types of line  in the classroom or space where you teach.
Introduce the materials  we will be using for this lesson. Teach the names of each material. You can ask students to  recognize different colours if they know any. Talk about safety rules in the classroom and discuss the "Do" and "Don't" s in class.You can let students work  in groups or on their own. Once students finish taping an area you can ask them to swap or change it into a game similar to musical chairs - if the music stops , the students must relocate to a different spot.

Don't be afraid to let students explore any surface they want to create lines with.

Some older students got creative and created a hop scotch zone

Another variation  of Hop scotch.

A rocket.

Even walls have lines.

If at all possible ,let students explore line on furniture.

A unique design on the floor.

Don't forget to write the students' names.
 This is a lesson most students  enjoy . After class, document each work by writing their names on the PVC tape with a marker and don't forget to photograph it. With this class we  kept the lines on until the end of the line module or until whenever the tape came off  by itself.

A variation of this - you can also let students create their own street map
you'll need large sizes of paper ,preferably A0 size
have students work in groups and use pvc tape to tape the differen roads

when students are done you can ask them to paint between the open spaces

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