Monday, July 29, 2013

First project Line

For new students I will usually start to teach students the basics  first. I will start off by teaching them about line, colour , shape and texture. Keep in mind that your focus will be to teach students art whose first language may not be the same as yours. In their  very first lesson I will teach students about the basic materials we will use in class. They may or may not know them.
 I will teach some of the vocabulary words to students at the start of each class.

To save yourself some time you can download free flashcards from this
website you have printed them, you can download them and re use them over and over or use them in your  art room.You can also make your own word cards to display around actual art materials /equipment from this website-

Our first project- Line
This is a continuous project that can span over a month. You can use two 2 hour lessons or 4 one hour lessons. In this project students will learn about the different types of line and focus on each one followed by an art work . The basic theme is still the same but the project or art process can vary. For myself I prefer to change the art process to keep it interesting for me. My firm belief is that if a teacher is interested then the students will be too.
Students will learn about - Straight lines- horizontal, vertical
                                           wavy lines
                                            zigzag lines
You can choose to keep this an on going project , do separate individual projects or do both continuous and individual projects.
First Lesson -straight line- Horizontal and vertical lines
Firstly I teach the vocabulary words for art materials. Spend about 5-10 minutes on that. Role play - ask students to find those objects you show on your flash cards or walk around the room and point out to the various objects in class and ask students to name them. Don't worry if students don't know the names yet. With repetition and practice throughout their time , they will get to know those vocabulary words.

You can of course show  students some artworks to using powerpoint presentation and a digital projector. I use  free legal software from Google-

Here are some of the artworks I show Students

Hundertwasser- 1975 "Blobs Grow in Beloved Garden

Hundertwasser  - one of his spiral art works

An example of horizontal lines
An example for vertical lines
A photograph showing vertical lines
Hundertwasser poster "Save the Seas" for GreenPeace Pacific Southwest 
and the Cousteau Society

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