Friday, August 30, 2013

line : zig zag lines a continuation of the first line project

This is a continuation of the line project .If you have started the  first project where students use PVC tape and taped straight lines- you can continue or simply start over.
Class time: 60 min
age: 5-9 years

  • PVC tape ( different colours)
  • scissors
  • an area or a space to tape
  • music*
Discuss the different types of lines students for zig-zag Show different pictures with zig- zag lines. Ask students to identify which lines or zig- zag and which ones are not. For ESL learners you might want to focus on teaching the word "zig- zag" first.Have students work in groups or individually to create zig- zag lines.
You can tape two parallel lines and have students tape zig -zag lines within that space.

Using PVC tape is more colourful and less stickier than tape.

Encourage and guide students to create different variations of zig- zag  lines.

For early finishers you can let them draw zig- zag lines  on the PVC tape.

Don't forget to document this work since it's not a permanent creation.
Most students kept their line work  for the duration of the line project class or until the PVC tape came off.
* Music - you can play musical chairs by asking students to swap and work on each other's projects or simply play music for inspiration.

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